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friends : 1
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sex : male
birthday : 02/02/1993
country : Andorra
gsk the 06/12/19 at 08:51 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Preview Gears of war 5 par JVC ( Epyon).
"@oenomaus ok;)"
gsk the 06/12/19 at 08:45 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Preview Gears of war 5 par JVC ( Epyon).
"C'est tendu,ya même des menaces :o"
gsk the 06/12/19 at 08:37 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Preview Gears of war 5 par JVC ( Epyon).
"Messieurs revenons en au sujet :nerd:"
gsk the 06/12/19 at 08:30 AM
has added a blog article Preview Gears of war 5 par JVC ( Epyon).
gsk the 06/12/19 at 08:17 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Conférence Microsoft : L'avis de PADAWAM.
"Sans vouloir faire de jeu de mots avec son mégaphone, c'est criant de vérité :o"
gsk the 06/11/19 at 09:58 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Voilà E3 terminé mon Bilan.
"Sacré Harlow:lol:"
gsk the 06/11/19 at 09:56 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article [Sondage] Qui a gagné L'E3 2019 ???.
"Nintendo et Sony/SE via FF7R :)"
gsk the 06/11/19 at 09:54 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article [Sondage] La meilleure conférence ? Et la pire selon vous ?.
"Meilleur : Nintendo Pire: Bathesda"
gsk the 06/11/19 at 04:51 PM
has added a new comment on the news [E3 2019] Nintendo Direct à 18h00.
"Nintendo qui annihile l'e3 et Microsoft :o:lol: GG:good:"
gsk the 06/11/19 at 12:14 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Les portraits officiels des quatre héros D'FFVIIREMAKE Episode 1.
"Pas mal du tout:good:"