friend cloud (1)
groups (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 2
sex : male
birthday : 04/18/1980
country : France
triku the 08/09/18 at 12:27 AM
has voted for the article Devil's Hunt premier trailer.
triku the 08/09/18 at 12:27 AM
triku the 08/09/18 at 12:27 AM
has voted for the article Jushy - Too Many Option.
triku the 08/09/18 at 12:27 AM
triku the 07/28/18 at 12:45 PM
has voted for the article [TEST] Go Vacation.
triku the 07/28/18 at 12:33 PM
is now following foxstep.
triku the 07/28/18 at 12:32 PM
is now following sora78.
triku the 07/28/18 at 12:32 PM
has voted for sora78.
triku the 07/28/18 at 12:32 PM
has added a new comment on the group article GamingPedia : anecdotes en vrac #8.
"Roh comment ça va être bien !!"