friend cloud (1)
groups (3)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 03/15/1992
country : France
daevon the 06/23/17 at 06:21 PM
has joined the group Tomb Raider.
daevon the 06/23/17 at 06:20 PM
has voted for the group Tomb Raider.
daevon the 06/23/17 at 06:17 PM
daevon the 06/20/17 at 07:28 PM
daevon the 06/20/17 at 06:18 PM
has voted for the article [E3 2017] TOP 5 de la Conférence XBOX.
daevon the 06/20/17 at 05:30 PM
has voted for the article [XOne/PC] Lumière sur The Last Night.
daevon the 06/20/17 at 04:00 PM
daevon the 04/19/17 at 09:46 PM
daevon the 04/19/17 at 09:43 PM
daevon the 04/17/17 at 08:06 PM