Jeu de mains, jeu de vilains / Jeu de niche, jeu de miches !
friends : 4
followers : 2
following : 133
sex : male
birthday : 03/09/1983
country : Germany
gareauxloups the 09/17/24 at 09:07 PM
has voted for the article [PC/PS5] Awaken : A.B / Date de sortie.
gareauxloups the 09/17/24 at 09:07 PM
has voted for the article [PC] Hollowbody / Lancement.
gareauxloups the 09/16/24 at 09:37 PM
has voted for the article [Multi] The Plucky Squire / Lancement.
gareauxloups the 09/16/24 at 09:37 PM
has voted for the article [Kickstarter] Forge of the Fae / Trailer.
gareauxloups the 09/15/24 at 11:07 AM
gareauxloups the 09/15/24 at 10:55 AM
has voted for the article [PC] Neon Inferno / Trailer.
gareauxloups the 09/15/24 at 10:55 AM
has voted for the article [PC] Worship / Gameplay (explication).
gareauxloups the 09/15/24 at 10:46 AM
gareauxloups the 09/15/24 at 10:45 AM
gareauxloups the 09/12/24 at 07:44 PM
has voted for the article [Multi] Caravan SandWitch / Lancement.