friend cloud (1)
groups (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 04/05/1984
country : France
social interest : searching for friendship
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:54 AM
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:54 AM
has voted for the group Gaming Zone.
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:54 AM
has voted for the group Dragon Ball World.
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:54 AM
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:53 AM
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:52 AM
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:52 AM
has voted for the group VS Fighting.
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:52 AM
has voted for the group VS Fighting.
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:52 AM
blackjack the 07/11/16 at 09:52 AM
has voted for the group Tales Of (テイルズ).