Gamer 4 Life
friend cloud (1)
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friends : 1
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following : 1
sex : male
birthday : 08/05/1990
country : France
tutuimpressiv the 03/24/17 at 06:20 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Mon avis sur La Belle et la Bête.
"Curieux de le voir !"
tutuimpressiv the 03/24/17 at 06:18 PM
is now following sora78.
tutuimpressiv the 07/12/16 at 01:38 PM
has voted for the article GamingPedia : anecdotes en vrac #8.
tutuimpressiv the 07/01/16 at 01:51 PM
has added a review Umbrella Corps.
tutuimpressiv the 06/28/16 at 08:11 PM
has added a new comment on the news Alienation : la MAJ coop local enfin datée.
"Ah enfin une bonne nouvelle aujourd'hui ! :good:"
tutuimpressiv the 06/27/16 at 05:32 PM
tutuimpressiv the 06/27/16 at 05:31 PM
has voted for the article Smash Bros, images du 04/11.
tutuimpressiv the 06/27/16 at 05:31 PM
has voted for the article Smash Bros, images du 05/11.
tutuimpressiv the 06/27/16 at 05:30 PM
has added a new comment on the group article [Code Ami 3DS/Identifiants Wii U] Super Smash Bros for Wii U!.
tutuimpressiv the 06/27/16 at 05:30 PM