friend cloud (1)
groups (1)
friends : 1
followers : 1
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 11/18/1991
country : France
clashroyale the 07/12/24 at 04:09 PM
has voted for the review Crash Bandicoot 4.
clashroyale the 07/12/24 at 04:08 PM
has voted for the review Elden Ring.
clashroyale the 07/12/24 at 04:08 PM
has voted for the review Elden Ring.
clashroyale the 07/12/24 at 04:08 PM
has voted for the review Elden Ring.
clashroyale the 07/12/24 at 04:08 PM
has voted for the review Unravel 2.
clashroyale the 07/12/24 at 04:08 PM
clashroyale the 07/12/24 at 04:08 PM
clashroyale the 06/29/21 at 02:13 PM
has voted for populus.