friend cloud (2)
friends : 2
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 02/27/1986
country : France
activities : ajouter vos activités
sorakairi86 the 10/27/24 at 07:04 PM
has added a new comment on the group article Hunter x hunter 404.
"On voie Leorio, Kirua et Gon me manquent quand même"
sorakairi86 the 10/27/24 at 05:12 PM
has voted for the article Hunter x hunter 404.
sorakairi86 the 10/26/24 at 02:59 PM
sorakairi86 the 10/23/24 at 07:29 PM
sorakairi86 the 10/20/24 at 06:07 PM
has voted for the article C'est dimanche: pêle-mêle !.
sorakairi86 the 10/14/24 at 10:23 AM
sorakairi86 the 09/20/24 at 09:16 PM
has voted for the article One Piece 1127.
sorakairi86 the 09/15/24 at 07:22 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article The Plucky Squire sort cette semaine.
"6 j'achète la version physique en février"