friend cloud (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : female
birthday : 07/22/1995
country : France
llu90 the 01/05/16 at 06:02 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel blabla.
"Normalement les échanges directs marchent comme pour X/Y donc ça devrait aller"
llu90 the 01/05/16 at 05:41 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel blabla.
"On ne peut pas échanger Diancie via la GTS >"
llu90 the 01/05/16 at 05:15 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel blabla.
llu90 the 01/05/16 at 04:57 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel blabla.
"Diancie ?"
llu90 the 01/05/16 at 04:30 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel blabla.
"Salut, quels Pokémon t'intéresseraient ?"
llu90 the 01/03/16 at 08:51 PM
llu90 the 01/03/16 at 08:35 PM
has joined the group Official Nintendo.
llu90 the 01/03/16 at 08:35 PM
has voted for the group Official Nintendo.
llu90 the 01/03/16 at 08:30 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Dernier Concours : 4 Codes Hoopa Pokemon ROSA/XY 3DS.
"Je participe, dernière chance pour avoir Hoopa >w"