friend cloud (1)
groups (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 11/17/1967
city : Bordeaux
country : France
description : J'adore l'espionnage, c'est une passion et j’espère bien un jour pouvoir devenir detective privé !
espion the 06/20/19 at 02:47 PM
has voted for the article Marcus VS General RAAM pour 1499€.
espion the 06/20/19 at 02:47 PM
has voted for the article EDGE "334" : Notes.
espion the 06/20/19 at 02:47 PM
espion the 06/20/19 at 02:47 PM
espion the 06/20/19 at 02:47 PM
has voted for the article Judgment : les notes.
espion the 06/20/19 at 02:47 PM
has voted for the article EA et les loot boxes: acte XIX.
espion the 01/07/19 at 12:50 PM
has voted for twins.
espion the 01/07/19 at 12:50 PM
has voted for the group Microsoft Waypoint.
espion the 01/07/19 at 12:50 PM
espion the 01/07/19 at 12:50 PM
has voted for the article Forza XBO : 900p ?.