
posted the 03/13/2019 at 05:23 AM
at Umbrella Underground Research Facility
Playing video games since the 80s , favorite genre : Survival Horror (Silent Hill 1-2-3-4-0 // Resident Evil (96&02)-2(98&19)-3-CVX-Ø // Fatal Frame 1-2-3-4-5 // Siren 1-2-New Translation // Clock Tower series // Haunting Ground // Dead Space // Etc..)
current or last location : Umbrella Underground Research Facility
friends : 200
followers : 2
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 07/11/1984
city : Montreal
country : Canada
relationship status : married
tvirus the 01/01/25 at 01:20 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Et sinon, vous attendez quoi de 2025 ?.
"Tranquille , pour l'instant j'ai que deux priorités : -Tormented Souls II -Cronos : The New Dawn A voir pour [i]le reste[/i] (je suis pas a jour niveau news depuis un bon moment) mais si y'a un alien du même calibre qu'isolation ou d'autre sh,survival de qualité a venir ben mon cash risque d'aller la."
tvirus the 02/19/24 at 04:17 AM
has voted for the article Mieux connaitre : Momotaros.
tvirus the 02/18/24 at 01:17 PM
tvirus the 02/14/24 at 02:58 AM
"@icebergbrulant :good:"
tvirus the 02/07/24 at 03:34 PM
has voted for the article Photo d’une autre époque.
tvirus the 01/10/24 at 02:29 PM
tvirus the 01/04/24 at 03:02 PM
tvirus the 12/30/23 at 12:44 AM
tvirus the 12/01/23 at 09:45 PM
has voted for the article Daymare 1994 est une sombre catastrophe.
tvirus the 09/26/23 at 09:55 PM
has voted for the article il y a 22 ans....