friends : 18
followers : 0
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sex : male
birthday : 12/12/2014
country : France
description : -
relationship status : single
company name : ???
company position : ???
company position description : ???
iglooo the 05/18/24 at 11:59 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article [RUMEUR] Encore un indice pour la Next Gen Xbox en 2026.
"@madd on rigole bien en tout cas, ça part en cacahouète total leurs affaires."
iglooo the 05/11/24 at 02:49 PM
iglooo the 05/09/24 at 06:17 PM
"@voxen en deuil :("
iglooo the 05/08/24 at 09:40 PM
has voted for the article Tout savoir sur Metaphor ReFantazio.
iglooo the 05/08/24 at 04:41 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article "Good Morning Morgan" Hommage à Prey.
"Un grand jeu 8)"
iglooo the 05/08/24 at 04:41 PM
has voted for the article "Good Morning Morgan" Hommage à Prey.
iglooo the 05/08/24 at 04:39 PM
has voted for the article PSG.
iglooo the 05/08/24 at 04:39 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Hollow Knight Silksong : la date de sortie leakée ?.
"Calendrier gobletekipien, ils sont en retard les salops."
iglooo the 05/07/24 at 07:30 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Microsoft Xbox, c'est quand même les rois de la com.
"Ah les bâtards :lol:"
iglooo the 05/07/24 at 07:29 PM