~For the glory of Humanity~
friend cloud (1)
following (1)

posted the 09/19/2014 at 05:46 PM
at ~District Trost~
Hyrule Warrior !
current or last location : ~District Trost~
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 1
sex : male
birthday : 05/14/1998
country : France
description : Battletag : Orosama#2343
orosama the 08/30/16 at 05:54 PM
has voted for the article [MAJ] Nouveau site Gamekyo.
orosama the 08/17/16 at 03:43 PM
orosama the 08/05/16 at 09:39 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Les aventures de serge le mytho # 3 [fin].
"Alalala c'était la base Bloqués"
orosama the 08/03/16 at 10:24 PM
has voted for the article Rocket League +Overwatch =Lucioball.
orosama the 08/03/16 at 09:05 PM
has added a new comment on the news Phantasy Star Online 2 arrivera en retard.
"Après 3 ans... :|"
orosama the 07/03/16 at 08:59 AM
orosama the 07/03/16 at 08:59 AM
has voted for jegeekjeplay.
orosama the 01/25/16 at 05:46 PM
"Quand j'entre le code ça fait : " Malheureusement, vous ne pouvez pas accéder à ce contenu pour le moment. " c'est normal ?"
orosama the 12/06/14 at 10:07 AM
orosama the 11/16/14 at 02:37 PM
has voted for the article Mario Kart 8 (comparaison SNes/3DS/WiiU).