friend cloud (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : female
birthday : 08/20/1987
city : Illkirch-Graffenstaden
country : France
relationship status : in a relationship
social interest : searching for friendship
belisama the 06/14/15 at 03:15 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article The Big Bang TeamG1 , 1er épisode dispo !.
"Vraiment pas top !! Il faudrait choisir une voix pour une seule personne et beaucoup mieux synchroniser la longueur des phrases avec l'image!!!"
belisama the 06/11/15 at 06:14 PM
belisama the 05/25/15 at 01:28 PM
belisama the 04/15/15 at 05:50 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article Quelle console avez-vous aimer pendant votre enfance?.
"la mega drive !!"
belisama the 04/14/15 at 06:16 PM
belisama the 03/29/15 at 10:47 AM
belisama the 03/29/15 at 10:47 AM
has joined the group Civilisations antiques.
belisama the 03/29/15 at 10:47 AM
has voted for the group Civilisations antiques.
belisama the 03/28/15 at 05:30 PM
has voted for the article Sortie comics du 27/03/2015.
belisama the 03/28/15 at 09:06 AM
has voted for the article 007 Spectre : première bande annonce.