following (1)

posted the 01/17/2015 at 10:56 AM
friends : 14
followers : 0
following : 1
sex : male
birthday : 03/23/2013
country : France
activities : ajouter vos activités
relationship status : in open a relationship
pikmaniac the 12/19/15 at 05:25 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Mario Kart 8, Splaaton, Halo 5, Uncharted......
"Splaaton :lol:"
pikmaniac the 12/09/15 at 08:49 PM
has added a new comment on the news Minecraft U : le GamePad inexploité.
"Puriiin ça craint."
pikmaniac the 12/05/15 at 07:51 AM
has voted for the article Comment punir un stagiaire.
pikmaniac the 12/01/15 at 05:15 PM
has voted for the article VideoTest ~ Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash.
pikmaniac the 11/25/15 at 04:47 PM
"J'aime le Gorafi du plus profond de mon âme."
pikmaniac the 11/22/15 at 11:35 AM
has voted for the article Zelda Wii U. Le vrai.
pikmaniac the 11/18/15 at 09:52 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Dark Vador est une personne ordinaire comme vous et moi.
"OMG ce leeeaaaaaaaak"
pikmaniac the 11/18/15 at 06:12 AM
has added a new comment on the news Minecraft : la version WiiU disparaît du PEGI.
"Mayrde alors :/"
pikmaniac the 11/16/15 at 08:24 PM
has added a new comment on the news Dézonnage Xbox 360 : ça n'était qu'un bug.
"Merde alors, ce regain de popularité n'était qu'un bug :lol:"