friends : 27
followers : 2
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 07/06/1993
city : York Shin
country : France
company position : القناص
shindo the 09/05/24 at 09:21 AM
has added a new comment on the blog article [Rumeur] Sony aurait verrouillé les droits marketing de GTA VI.
"@nyseko Noble et microsoft dans la même phrase :nerd:"
shindo the 09/01/24 at 01:59 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Slitterhead: 3 nouvelles videos de gameplay.
"Has been avant même sa sortie"
shindo the 06/29/24 at 09:37 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel kikoo31.
"Tobe fly"
shindo the 06/16/24 at 03:18 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article SMT VV chiffres steam et mini avis.
"Tentant mais vu la politique de Sega/Atlus on va attendre une grosse baisse"
shindo the 06/13/24 at 02:20 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article EDGE #399 - Hellblade 2.
"@bennj Les notes de Edge sont souvent pertinentes donc je partage et je ne t'ai jamais vu te plaindre d'Edge sur les autres articles ;)"
shindo the 06/13/24 at 12:46 PM
has added a blog article EDGE #399 - Hellblade 2.
shindo the 05/21/24 at 01:39 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Vous gardez un bon souvenir de Kid Ikarus Uprising ?.
shindo the 05/21/24 at 09:29 AM
has added a new comment on the group article [TEST] Senua's Saga : Hellblade II.
"C'était pas censé être le God of War de la xbox avec l'Island à l'échelle 1:1 :!"
shindo the 05/19/24 at 09:01 PM
has voted for the article Games Story : Kingdom Hearts.
shindo the 04/04/24 at 05:58 PM
has added a new post on the profile channel iglooo.
"J'attends Kingdom Hearts 4 :'(("
shindo posted the 06/13/2024 at 12:46 PM
EDGE #399 - Hellblade 2