following (1)
friends : 6
followers : 0
following : 1
sex : male
birthday : 09/21/1989
country : Guadeloupe
activities : Gestionnaire des systèmes d'information
social interest : searching for friendship
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:42 PM
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:38 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Concours Spécial E3 2017 : Un jeu Xbox One à gagner.
"je participe merci"
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:36 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Concours Spécial E3 2017 : Un jeu Ps4 à gagner.
"je participe !!!"
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:27 PM
has voted for the article MH world c'est officieusement officiel.
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:26 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Concours En route vers l'E3 ! Spécial Xbox !.
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:23 PM
has voted for the article E3 2017 : Rejoignez nous sur Discord.
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:18 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Scalebound Xbox One : Il resterait un peu d’espoir.
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:16 PM
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:15 PM
has voted for monsieurpatcher.
majorevo the 06/10/17 at 06:15 PM