friends : 13
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 10/17/1988
country : France
squall04 the 04/07/16 at 07:57 PM
squall04 the 04/04/16 at 06:08 PM
squall04 the 04/03/16 at 08:23 PM
has added a new comment on the group article [Avis] - Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna sur PS4.
"Très bel article !"
squall04 the 04/03/16 at 08:22 PM
squall04 the 04/03/16 at 07:16 AM
squall04 the 03/22/16 at 06:44 PM
squall04 the 03/22/16 at 06:44 PM
has voted for the group Kingdom Hearts χ [chi].
squall04 the 03/01/16 at 05:47 AM
squall04 the 02/27/16 at 11:50 AM
squall04 the 02/20/16 at 10:27 AM
has added a new comment on the news Bioshock Remaster : retour de la rumeur.
"Le pigeon qui est en moi va l'acheter !!!!!"
squall04 posted the 04/25/2012 at 08:46 PM
(SPOILER) Petite question pour ceux qui ont vu Avengers
squall04 posted the 09/09/2011 at 07:44 PM
Livres tirés des jeux vidéos ?
squall04 posted the 06/30/2011 at 07:33 PM
Problème ps3 help !
squall04 posted the 05/27/2011 at 07:25 PM
Besoin d'un informaticien ^^
squall04 posted the 05/15/2011 at 08:38 AM
Conseil pour achat d'un ordi portable
squall04 posted the 04/29/2011 at 12:44 PM
Aide pour futur achat d'une Xbox360
squall04 posted the 12/17/2010 at 07:09 PM
Aide import jeux Wii
squall04 posted the 12/12/2010 at 05:18 PM
Choix de jeux sur Wii.