La courtoisie n'est plus de ce monde

posted the 01/23/2015 at 03:29 PM
serveur en mousse
friends : 88
followers : 5
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 09/10/1977
city : palerme
country : Italy
giusnake the 09/08/23 at 09:35 PM
has added a new comment on the news Starfield a attiré 6 millions de joueurs.
"@zekk Je sais pas, je sais plus.. :tchin:"
giusnake the 09/08/23 at 08:14 PM
has added a new comment on the news Starfield a attiré 6 millions de joueurs.
"Heureusement j’suis neutre :good:"
giusnake the 09/05/23 at 07:17 PM
giusnake the 09/05/23 at 07:17 PM
has added a new comment on the news Minecraft : l'upgrade Xbox Series en approche.
"@churos45 @gasmok2 Juste de passage 8)"
giusnake the 09/04/23 at 09:55 PM
has added a new comment on the news Minecraft : l'upgrade Xbox Series en approche.
"Bordel il était temps :nerd:"
giusnake the 06/10/22 at 03:39 PM
giusnake the 11/02/21 at 09:14 PM
has voted for the article Digital Foundry dézingue Halo Infinite.
giusnake the 10/21/21 at 07:53 PM
"@foxstep Je pète la forme merci "
giusnake the 10/14/21 at 10:00 PM
has added a new comment on the blog article Microsoft dévoile son planning de jeux pour 2022 !!!.