groups (1)

posted the 09/19/2008 at 05:29 PM
at Bordeaux
Je dois me retirer de la scène. Trop de travail, des exams. Merci à tous, ce fut un plaisir. A bientôt, peut-être...
current or last location : Bordeaux
friends : 17
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 11/30/1980
city : Bordeaux
country : France
plissken ... the 03/13/09 at 02:55 PM
has added a new comment on the news Suikoden Tierkreis revient en images.
"Je suis en train d'y jouer. Ce jeu est tout simplement superbe."
plissken ... the 02/12/09 at 06:49 AM
has left the group Tokyo Game Show.
plissken ... the 11/24/08 at 05:29 PM
is now a friend of oli max.
plissken ... the 10/22/08 at 05:47 PM
is now a friend of chiuu smack.
plissken ... the 10/07/08 at 04:34 PM
has joined the group Tokyo Game Show.
plissken ... the 09/19/08 at 07:28 PM
has added a new comment on the group article Merci, GameKyo....
"Merci à tous les mecs. Rendez-vous en février..."
plissken ... the 09/19/08 at 06:33 PM
has added a group article Merci, GameKyo....
plissken ... the 09/19/08 at 05:29 PM
has added a new post in the lifestream.
"Je dois me retirer de la scène. Trop de travail, des exams. Merci à tous, ce fut un plaisir. A bientôt, peut-être..."
plissken ... the 08/18/08 at 07:13 PM
is now a friend of razheel r.
plissken ... the 08/16/08 at 10:32 AM
has added a web news Chronique Thème PS3: Episode7.