friend cloud (1)
friends : 1
followers : 0
following : 0
sex : male
birthday : 08/19/1983
city : Bordeaux
country : France
calicot the 06/11/24 at 05:28 PM
has voted for the article [PC] Last moon / Démo dispo.
calicot the 03/13/24 at 11:56 PM
calicot the 02/21/24 at 09:33 PM
has voted for the article [Multi] Unicorn Overlord / Trailer Demo.
calicot the 01/14/24 at 04:29 PM
has voted for the article Granblue Fantasy - Relink : prometteur !.
calicot the 12/26/23 at 02:05 PM
calicot the 12/08/23 at 08:01 AM
calicot the 12/08/23 at 08:00 AM
calicot the 11/18/23 at 11:10 AM
calicot the 09/24/23 at 04:32 PM