Mass Effect, un maximum d'informations pour un minimum de spoiler !
group information
Mass Effect
title : Mass Effect, un maximum d'informations pour un minimum de spoiler !
screen name : masseffect
official website : http://
creator : eldren
creation date : 04/09/2012
last update : 01/12/2017
description : Ce groupe a pour but d'être le sanctuaire des fans de Mass Effect sur gamekyo, vos théories, vos personnages préférés, vos musiques culte, éventuelles news... Ce groupe est à vous!
articles : 247
visites since opening : 528850
subscribers : 25
bloggers : 2
    Who likes this ?
    spinotic, vjgvukvukhb, malcomz, link49, xrkmx, djiman, ykarin, sorow, voxen, liquidus, idd, choupiloutre, e3payne, diablass59, beks1080, whitepotatoes, thekingman1, hyoga57, maxleresistant, spawnini, spartan1985, coolflex, plasmide, killia
    posted the 01/12/2017 at 06:48 PM by eldren
      Who likes this ?
      kabuki, link49, gemini, xrkmx, shinz0, djiman, leho, ykarin, sorow, voxen, liquidus, idd, choupiloutre, sorasaiku, jwolf, loudiyi, e3payne, diablass59, beks1080, whitepotatoes, duff, yukilin, eruroraito7, hyoga57, mikazaki, spawnini, chester, icebergbrulant, heracles, kadaj68800, spartan1985, hendymion, coolflex, vincecastel, leblogdeshacka, shiroihato, octobar, yamy, plasmide, chaussettes, jozen15, killia, redmi31
      posted the 01/08/2017 at 05:26 PM by eldren
        Who likes this ?
        link49, xrkmx, minx, darkfoxx, sorow, draculax, voxen, idd, archesstat, monkeydluffy, dabaz, jwolf, e3payne, diablass59, aiolia081, beks1080, kibix, whitepotatoes, eruroraito7, hyoga57, maxleresistant, mikazaki, spawnini, poliof, bliss02, nindo64, spartan1985, coolflex, uria54, freematt, roxloud, chaussettes
        posted the 12/04/2016 at 07:34 PM by eldren
          Who likes this ?
          spinotic, link49, xrkmx, spilner, darkfoxx, ykarin, sorow, voxen, liquidus, idd, titipicasso, diablass59, birmou, whitepotatoes, duff, asakim, eruroraito7, thekingman1, soma67, hyoga57, spawnini, bliss02, spartan1985, coolflex, gat, mitenso, freematt, leblogdeshacka, shiroihato, iiii, plasmide, redmi31
          posted the 11/11/2016 at 09:12 PM by eldren
            Who likes this ?
            tvirus, link49, pwyll, ykarin, voxen, idd, archesstat, hado78, fullbuster, lanni, diablass59, artemico, beks1080, whitepotatoes, ootaniisensei, asakim, eruroraito7, ikagura, thekingman1, hyoga57, soulshunt, neelek, linuxclan, spawnini, ecco, heracles, coolflex, lightning, freematt, leblogdeshacka, shiroihato, iiii, plasmide, sorakairi86, chaussettes, naruto780, jozen15, sabelette
            posted the 06/19/2016 at 09:35 AM by eldren
              Who likes this ?
              link49, sorow, inglorious, duff, asakim, hyoga57, maxleresistant, freematt
              posted the 06/13/2016 at 05:49 PM by eldren
                Who likes this ?
                link49, darkfoxx, sacks, sorow, voxen, liquidus, idd, archesstat, ryohazuki, hado78, link80, diablass59, artemico, duff, yukilin, asakim, hyoga57, heracles, coolflex, rider288, gat, freematt, leblogdeshacka, shiranui, jozen15
                posted the 06/12/2016 at 10:03 PM by eldren
                  Who likes this ?
                  spinotic, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, link49, cort, sorow, liquidus, jwolf, strez, hado78, fullbuster, goldmen33, furtifdor, diablass59, birmou, kibix, whitepotatoes, sorny, yukilin, asakim, gamjys, soma67, hyoga57, linuxclan, spawnini, spartan1985, coolflex, leonr4, freematt, leblogdeshacka, shiroihato, shambala93, iiii, shiranui, ravyxxs, jozen15, sabelette, killer972, thorgalaegirsson
                  posted the 06/10/2016 at 03:12 PM by eldren
                    Who likes this ?
                    kabuki, link49, ykarin, sorow, draculax, hado78, diablass59, beks1080, mikazaki, spawnini, shiranui, saitama75, chaussettes
                    posted the 05/21/2016 at 12:00 PM by eldren
                      Who likes this ?
                      link49, diablass59, beks1080, whitepotatoes, hyoga57, spawnini, coolflex
                      posted the 05/15/2016 at 10:54 AM by eldren
                      channel (0)